
    • 용감한 녀석들 Brave Guys
    • 성별(Sex) : 혼성그룹 (혼성그룹)
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    • 직업(Job) : 가수(singer)
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      10일 동안 포털사이트(Naver) 검색량
      Update : 2024년 10월 02일

      • biography

      One of the most popular TV shows in Korea,《Gag Concert》, gave birth to one of the most popular "gae-gasu" (Comedian-Singers in Korean) groups : Brave Guys.

      《Gag Concert》is a show that features a number of comedic skits put on my professional comedians. One of the more popular skits is called "Brave Guys", featuring a man who seems to always be getting dumped.
      Whenever he hits his low point after a breakup or diss from the opposite sex, a hip hop trio that calls themselves the Brave Guys pops up. They each prove their "braveness" by making a courageously honest and real statement about some current societal, cultural, political,
      or even personal issue. They then follow that up with a short music performance with hilarious lyrics that typically compare men and women's tendencies.

      The skit became so popular, catapulting the four members of the skit group into super stardom. In particular, Shin Bora, the only female member and main vocalist to the musical breaks, really started to shine in the public's eye. With their popularity rising by the week,
      the group decided, why not release an actual album instead of just pretending to be a hip hop group that releases albums?

      Thus the Brave Guys on the music scene was born.

      Their comedic twist on actually serious and important issues of society was a refreshing change from the typical pop-style songs about love and heartbreak. The male members would rap with their own unique style, while Shin Bora provided her talented vocals that gives any professional singer a run for their money.
