
    • 쿨(cool) Cool
    • 성별(Sex) : 혼성그룹 (혼성그룹)
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    • 수정 : 2013년 08월 02일 12:41 (August 02, 2013)

      SH K-STAR 에서는 보다 신속하고 정확한 인물정보를 제공하기 위해
      확인된 정보에 '정보확인 날짜'를 표시하고 있으니, 참고하셔서
      많은 이용 부탁 드립니다.
      수정 및 삭제는 페이지 하단 '문의하기'를 이용해 주세요...

    • 직업(Job) : 가수(singer)
    • 조회수(count) :

      회원 로그인 후 접속하신 조회수 입니다.
      (비로그인시 카운터 되지 않습니다)
      2024년 조회수 :
      2014년 조회수 :
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    • 검색어트렌드(search word trend) : P

      10일 동안 포털사이트(Naver) 검색량
      Update : 2024년 10월 05일

    • 소속(Company) : 쿨컴퍼니
    • 데뷔(Debut) : 1994년 1집 앨범 [너이길 원했던 이유]
      • 수상
      • biography

      2003년 제18회 골든디스크상 본상
      2002년 SBS 가요대전 본상
      2002년 제17회 골든디스크 대상
      2001년 MBC 방송연예대상 특별가수상
      2001년 제16회 골든디스크상 본상

      Group Cool is undoubtedly the longest standing and one of the most popular mixed dance groups in the modern Korean pops scene. A decade has gone by since the group’s debut and fans still love them as much as ever. When Cool first made their appearance a decade ago, many people predicted that they wouldn’t last long. They were wrong. Each and every one of their albums, totaling twelve, including their most recent 8th album became huge hits.
      Why? Cool is a group that refuses to confine itself to any one sound of style. The members like to experiment with different kinds of music, which shows in the diversity of music in their albums. Now, quite a lot of people, when speaking of the group say, ‘Cool? They’re a dance group, naturally!’ Almost all of Cool’s title tracks are dance numbers so it may not come as a surprise that people label the group this way. However, looking at their albums carefully, one can tell their albums are balanced, containing various genres of music that cater to the tastes of a wide range of listeners. More than anything else, Cool’s songs are easy to listen to and sing along to.
      Many would agree that summer wouldn’t quite be summer without Cool’s music.
      Here’s to Cool for a decade or even two or even three of more great music career.



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